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 Make a donation.  Make a difference.

Your donation goes toward our general fund to help us achieve our mission “to promote the enjoyment and conservation of North Carolina’s native plants and their habitats through education, protection, cultivation and advocacy.” 

All donations, including those given as a memorial or in honor of,  will be received by the state organization, and distributed according to the Society's policies.

Make a difference for our state and our future by donating to the NCNPS. Consider recurring donations and matching donations through your place of employment.  

Purchasing or renewing a membership? Please do the following:

To renew or update your membership, log in to your profile at with your email and password and follow the suggested actions on your profile screen.  We can process online payment via PayPal or credit card.  Alternatively, you can mail a check to:

PO Box 5907
Greensboro, NC 27435

Donate directly to NCNPS.

Mail a check to:

North Carolina Native Plant Society
P. O. Box 5907
Greensboro, NC 27435

NCNPS is a tax-exempt organization.  Our EIN is 56-2014212.

Or fill out the form below and use PayPal or a credit card.

Click the Pay Button when complete.

If you are an NCNPS member, please login before completing the form.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
If joining as a business/organization, put business/organization name here.
Last name
*Amount ($USD)
Comment - Tell us if this is a memorial gift or in someone's honor.

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