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  • All are WELCOME at our Gorges State Park Oconee Bell Celebration!

All are WELCOME at our Gorges State Park Oconee Bell Celebration!

  • 13 Aug 2024
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Gorges State Park Grassy Ridge Access & Visitor Center 976 Grassy Ridge Road Sapphire, NC 28774
  • 56



This is our new plan for members and friends of the Oconee Bell Chapter to meet at the Gorges State Park Visitor Center. Our June event was postponed due to power failure, so let's meet in August to hear a story of our rare iconic wildflower, Shortia galacifolia, the Oconee Bell!

At 4 pm on August 13, Dr. Jim Costa will present a tale of botanical mystery, intrigue, and perseverance. He will share the story of French Royal Botanist André Michaux, why he came to our region in 1787, and the ensuing century-long efforts by Harvard botanist Asa Gray and others to rediscover what became known as Michaux's "Lost Shortia."

Before the talk, the Oconee Bell Chapter will host a station with light refreshments at the picnic tables on the patio behind the Gorges State Park Visitor Center starting at 3 pm on August 13. Look for us at the counter with our logo.

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