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Mitigating Climate Change

  • 01 Feb 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Asheville Botanical Garden
  • 28



Mitigating Climate Change

February 1, 1:00 Mitigating Climate Change: Using science to transform uncertainty into progress

Speaker: Dr. Jake Hagedorn (Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, UNC-A)

We will learn how science is used to turn the uncertainties of climate change into opportunities for progress. We will review successful climate mitigation strategies already in place and investigate new, innovative approaches to addressing an uncertain future, particularly in the context of agriculture and soil science. We will seek hopeful solutions at a variety of scales for navigating the challenges of an unpredictable world.

Biography: Jake is an assistant professor of Environmental Science at UNC Asheville. He received his BS in Environmental Studies from UNC Asheville, MS in Geosciences from Pennsylvania State University, and PhD in Environmental Science from University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. He teaches soil science, agriculture and energy courses at UNC Asheville. His research focuses on assessing how farm management practices impact water, soil, and air quality. He lives with his wife, two kids, and two dogs in Mills River and loves hiking, soccer, and tiny houses/affordable housing. 

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